What is Happening on Facebook
Back mid-October I asked Facebook Fans some fall questions and this is how they answered:
Favorite thing about fall?
Christy of Adventures in Mommyhood: Mommy Outnumbered said: “Oh what is not to love! I am absolutely in love with everything. The colors-watching the leaves slowly change bursting with color and then fall off, bright orange punpkins lined up outside of the stores; the smells-fresh cut hay, fall leaves, pumpkin pie, nutmeg, cinnamon; the tastes-agian nutmeg, cinnamon, pumpkin pie, hot chocoloate, fresh apples off the tree, applie pie; the sensations-cool crisp air, leaves crinkling beneath your feet, biting into the first apple of the season. Fall is by far my favorite time of the year! I look forwad to it like kids look forward to Christmas.”
Kelly of Becoming Crunchy said: “I like Christy’s answer… 🙂 I will concur and say everything! I adore the weather and the leaves…the family traditions of apple picking and going to the pumpkin farm, carving pumpkins, dressing up for Halloween, baking…the gorgeous smells everywhere you turn. I’m actually kinda sad that October has been so warm so far! Oh and my anniversary is in October, so that’s another thing I love about fall. :)”

Favorite fall food?
Josh of Cella’s Sweets said: “My favorite is the Thurman burger from Thurman’s in Columbus, Ohio.”
Amy H said: “Eggnog. Does that count?”
Nancy F said: “Carmel Corn”
Favorite pumpkin dish?
Josh of Cella’s Sweets said roasted pumpkin seeds.
I hope you all have a wonderful fall day today and be on the lookout for another week of questions on Facebook!