Hair Color Sans Chemicals
I know I should embrace the gray, really I should. But I’m just not ready to quite yet. So, what does a crunchy girl do in the meantime? Well, she plays with henna!
What is henna? You are probably more familiar with it (if at all) as the stuff used to make beautiful bridal decorations in some cultures. I have had henna designs on my pregnant belly done by my friend and henna artist Katy. But this time, I’m considering henna for my hair.
I first heard about this whole henna hair coloring idea from, of course, Crunchy Betty. She shares a ton of information and includes her rather hilarious henna dyeing experience. Since then, I have heard mixed reviews on it. When I asked my cosmetologist cousin, she gave me the stink eye. And when I called and asked a salon about it, they gave me the stink eye. (Okay, so I couldn’t see them, but I know they were.) Salons don’t like henna because it stains your hair. Salons don’t like it because there is not an exact science to it (or is there?) which means you aren’t ever sure what the end result will be (or so the hairstylist I asked candidly told me.) (And then some stylists WILL use henna, just to make it confusing for you.) And another downside to that whole staining thing? You can’t color over it either. It doesn’t come off folks unless you have some olive oil and a great amount of patience and time. Alright, I get that but I also don’t want chemicals in my hair anymore (PPD anyone?). Is the trade-off of the unknown okay with me? Yep, I think it is.
So I saved the good stuff for last. Henna has some awesome benefits. The way it works is henna coats and seals each hair shaft thus protecting it from sun, salt, chlorine, wind and pollution. It can help reduce the incidence of split ends as well. It also tightens the hair cuticle which gives you shiny, soft hair. 1 Sign me up!
I don’t know about you, but I think it’s worth a try. So, one day soon I’ll be back reviewing Light Mountain Natural Hair Color & Conditioner. According to their site, they use no PPD, no ammonia, no peroxide, no chemicals whatsoever. I’m down with that ! I perused their color chart, picked a color and when this grey grows back, it’s henna time!
To be continued…
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- Taken from Light Mountain Natural Hair Color “How It Works” ↩