Sunday Surf for week of November 14
Anniversary Giveaway: CaughtREDhanded Jewelry Only one entry so far so your chances of winning are high!
Brains vs. Batteries over at Momlogic
Green Gift Monday is the New Black Friday over at Treehugger
Breastfeeding a Toddlby: the Myths and the Reality and Looking Forward over at Grumbles and Grunts
Social Media vs. SEO: My Approach over at Problogger
As I Lay Her Down to Sleep and I Heart My Perineum over at Inexplicable Ways
Oxytocin More than Mere ‘Love Hormone’ over at WebMD
What Do You Think of Instant Rice? over at The World’s Healthiest Foods
The Emotional Age Issue over at Answers in Genesis
Top 10 Movie Plot Holes You Probably Never Noticed Before over at Geekdad
Braiding Native American Heritage Month with Thanksgiving: A Native American Mother’s Perspective over at All Things Mothering
God Lovingly Pursues Us When We Fail: Peter…Again over at My Journey to Lean