So Very Lovely
I won an award from another mommy blogger out there in cyberspace who also happens to be my very lovely cousin. She blogs over at Party of Five so go check her out!
I did my homework and saw that there are rules for accepting this oh so lovely award so here they are:
1. Publicly accept the award.
2. Pass along the award to 15 other worthy bloggers and let the loveliness spread throughout cyberspace!
I follow a lot of blogs…I mean just look to the right and you will see several, so this was no easy task for me. But I narrowed it down and without any further delay, here are the 15 lovelies that I have chosen, in no particular order:
3. Q’s Eats
5. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Not-So-Newlywed Life (II)
11. Yellow Elm
13. Trans-Parent
14. Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with God