Your Long Lost Friend in the Blogosphere

Remember that friend that you haven’t heard from for forever, but when you do it’s like you never were apart?? Can we be like that? 😉 I have some posts coming up that I wanted to give you a little head’s up on. Life is BUSY just like it is for you, I’m sure. Who in the world isn’t super busy these days?? It’s an epidemic I tell you!


So, what’s going on with me you ask? Well, first off, I would love to hear about YOU. Get in that comment section! Ok, so me…we are wrapping up our homeschooling year (first grade), and Marcella turned seven which is INSANE. Jude is still my baby, but technically I suppose you would call him a preschooler. 😉 I’m in denial, of course.

Photo Credit: Eternal Instants Photography
Photo Credit: Eternal Instants Photography
As far as bloggy things, I’ve got a giveaway on the horizon (woot!), and it relates to one of my favorite things. I have a little guest post on a fun topic, and I have an announcement of something I am beyond excited about. It also involves an EPIC giveaway so stick around.


Oh, and there’s a new way to follow me. I joined Periscope which is a little scary and a little fun and a lot live. In case you haven’t heard of it, it’s an app that allows you to live stream your crazy self out to the world. You guys, you can see me screw up in REAL TIME. My first scope featured me not knowing how to end the broadcast. It’s okay; you can be embarrassed for me. If you follow me over there you’ll be able to figure out pretty quickly what my announcement relates to but I’m sure you’ll pretend to be surprised anyway, right? 😉

Okay, enough of my ramblings. See you soon and comment below with your life update long lost friend!

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