Babywearing Mama Profile – Lalia
Each week I’ll be introducing you to a babywearing mama (or papa!) during A Little Bit of All of It’s Babywearing Series. Find out more about this mama at the end of the post.
When did you start wearing your baby/young child? At 3 weeks of age. My first carrier was the original Moby Wrap in black!
What is your favorite carrier? Right now, my favorite is the Ergobaby carrier, I have it in Galaxy Grey
, but I’d really love to have it in Bamboo Forest
. I love that there are so many ways to carry with it. It’s been a real lifesaver!
What is your favorite carry? Back carry! It allows me to safely to do so many things, such as cooking! But my son’s favorite carry is definitely the front.
How did you first learn about Babywearing and what were your initial impressions of it? I’ve known about babywearing for as long as I can remember. I have four siblings, all younger, and my mother did babywearing with each of us using a Snugli. I can’t even remember what my first impression of babywearing was! I think I just thought it was natural. My earliest memories of babywearing are from when I was 6 years old, and I would help my mom out with my baby sister by wearing her in the Snugli. I remember thinking that when I was babywearing my little sister, I was pretty cool and grown up!
How many carriers do you own and what are they? I have two. An Ergobaby carrier and a Moby GO. I sold my Moby Wrap, since my son stopped liking it around the age of 2 months. Neither the Ergobaby or the Moby GO are 100% perfect for me, but I don’t know what to try next, and I don’t have the money to be purchasing a bunch to find the right one! I have very small shoulders, so the huge padded shoulders on the Ergo don’t work perfectly on me. And with the Moby GO, my son is in the 25th percentile for height, so the seat is too wide for him and he can’t sit in it comfortably!
Do you have a favorite babywearing story/scenario? I think my favorite babywearing story would be the time I was just walking around, window shopping, with my son in the Ergo. I was just perusing a shop when one of the staff members started talking to me about my son, and then asked me about what type of carrier I was wearing. When I told her, she said she’d have to remember and get one just like it when she started her own family!
What is the strangest or funniest thing you’ve done while wearing your baby? The strangest thing would definitely be going to the bathroom. It’s not something I could have ever imagined doing before Baby E arrived, but one knows not to wake a sleeping baby! So if he falls asleep in the Ergo while I’m doing things around the house, and I really have to go, I do what I have to do!
What is your favorite thing about wearing your baby? That it is so perfect for bonding, and it’s such an easy way to keep baby happy! My son doesn’t like to be by himself. He can spend short periods of time playing alone, but then he wants to be picked up and held by myself or my husband. If we didn’t have a carrier, I just don’t know what I’d do. I suspect my arms would eventually fall off! Especially now that he’s 20 lbs!
Anything else you would like to add about babywearing? If you’re expecting, research the heck out of what is available on the market, and order what you think will work for you before baby arrives! I hadn’t realized how advanced the babywearing market had gotten since my siblings were little (I really thought all that was really out there was Baby Bjorn and the Snugli!), so I did last minute research, and I couldn’t decide before my son was born. I ended up really regretting that, since it was only a few days before I realized how badly I needed a baby carrier!
Lalia was born and raised in the San Francisco bay area of California. She’s currently living in Canada with her family, but they’re planning a big move back to the bay area by the end of the year! Aside from her husband and son, her family is rounded out by a lazy Chocolate Lab and an even lazier orange Manx. She is new to the world of blogging, but it’s all about parenting, being eco-friendly, product reviews (with a highlight in local products, and quality products), recipes, etc.! Her blog is Found Frolicking and you can find her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Photo Credit: Lalia Frolick