Babywearing Mama Profile: Juliet

Each week I’ll be introducing you to a babywearing mama (or papa!) during A Little Bit of All of It’s Babywearing Series. Find out more about this mama at the end of the post.

When did you start wearing your baby/young child? I first wore him at 2 or 3 days old, in an Oscha ring sling while I ate dinner. My partner first wore him at a day old, in a Close stretchy.

What is your favorite carrier? I’m a woven wrap person. My favourite is probably my Didymos Caribe Fische 6, because it was the first woven I bought, when Leon was 5 weeks old. My Oscha shorties run it close, though!

What is your favorite carry? FWCC is still great for feeding in if he’s resisting a nap, and I used it a *lot* when he was little. Now he’s getting bigger, I’m back carrying more, and like a Double Hammock for dog-walks, or a basic ruck or knotless ruck.

How did you first learn about Babywearing and what were your initial impressions of it? I wore my friend’s baby when he was very tiny (I was her birth partner, and stayed with them after the birth for a couple of weeks), and thought it was lovely — snuggly and also practical. When I got pregnant there was no question but that we’d be babywearing!

How many carriers do you own and what are they? I have a number of woven wraps, a ring-sling, a Melkaj mei tai (great for dog walks when Leon is a bit grumbly and I need him up there quick smart), and a podaegi which I’m not entirely sure about yet.

(Woven wrap list, if you’re interested 😉
6s: Caribe Fische, a grad-dyed Natibaby Hokkaido, Didymos Geckos Antigua, Didymos silver waves; 5s: Girasol Northern Lights, Natibaby Sweet Place woolie for winter; 4: Didymos Zinc indio; 3: Oscha Shui Long Clover; 2: Oscha Starry Night Lewis, Didymos Jan)

Do you have a favorite babywearing story/scenario? Every time I’m on the bus or tube I am reminded how much easier it is to be carrying than wrangling a buggy… I think all my babywearing scenarios are my favourite!

I also love that the folk in all our local shops recognise and chat to Leon, because he’s always up at adult height, not down at knee-height in a buggy.

What is the strangest or funniest thing you’ve done while wearing your baby? I’ve been on several demos while babywearing. Leon found the whole thing fascinating.

What is your favorite thing about wearing your baby? The closeness. Closely followed by the convenience. I am so glad we’ve done things this way — I’m really confident that it’s helped Leon be the cheerful, secure, inquisitive little being that he is.

Juliet Kemp lives in London, UK, with her partners, baby Leon, and dog Sidney. She balances parenting and working from home as a freelance writer, with gardening, crafting, and a great many other things that catch her interest. She blogs at Twisting Vines about growing things, making things, and creating things, and is passionate about attachment parenting, full-term breastfeeding, EC and cloth nappies, babywearing, unconditional parenting, and respectful gentle parenting practices generally. 

Photo Credits: Juliet Kemp

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