Babywearing Mama Profile
Each week I’ll be introducing you to a babywearing mama (or papa!) during A Little Bit of All of It’s Babywearing Series. (You can be included in a future post by filling out the Babywearing Profile form.)
When did you start wearing your baby/young child? My son when he was a newborn. I used a Baby Bjorn, but with my second, she was 3 weeks when I started with her. I used a Moby and loved it.
What is your favorite carrier? Moby Wrap is my favorite
What is your favorite carry? I am still exploring the different ways to carry.

How did you first learn about Babywearing and what were your initial impressions of it? I thought it would have been a pain but I love it; I have friends that are babywearers.
How many carriers do you own and what are they? 1, a Baby Bjorn; I am currently borrowing a Moby Wrap and a K’tan
Do you have a favorite babywearing story/scenario? My favorite was at 12 midnight I needed to get her calm but needed to clean and she fell asleep while I did the dishes.
What is your favorite thing about wearing your baby? The closeness she feels and that I feel and also the fact that she is almost instantly calm