BabyHawk Oh Snap
Thanks to Carry Me Baby Carrier Lending Service, I was able to take a look at the BabyHawk Oh Snap! Baby Carrier
. It is a soft structured carrier designed for use with babies from 15 – 45 lbs and once your baby has head control. As such, it wasn’t the right fit for either of my children but I wore Marcella in it anyway to get an idea of how it feels. (Marcella weighs 30 lbs but at 3.5 she just feels too long for me to wear personally.)
The first thing I noticed that made this different from other soft structured carriers is some of the additional adjustable straps. I actually thought we broke it at one point (!) when one of the straps came off but then realized it was designed to come off. (Phew!) All of these additional straps may be slightly confusing but it allows you to get a really good customized fit. There are 4 extra straps on the waist belt (2 on each side) and 2 adjustable straps that slide up and down on the each strap. The ones on the strap you can also pinch and take off.
Those extra waist straps adjust the bottom and top individually. You can see how this makes it really great for all shapes and sizes to get it really comfortable just to their body shape. The strap adjusters are great for getting a really comfortable fit for a back carry to get the straps to lay flat and stay on your shoulders.
The straps have the ability to be crossed in the back like a mei tai or worn backpack style so if you prefer to wear them that way, you can which is nice. Another thing I noticed is it seems wider than other soft structured carriers I have seen. The body is also more like a mei tai.
What do you think? Would you like the ability to adjust in those areas?
Disclosure: I received no compensation for this post but Carry Me Baby Carrier Lending Service did lend me a Baby Hawk Oh Snap for 2 weeks for the purpose of this review. I was not required to give a positive review and all opinions are 100% my own. Amazon links are affiliate links.