Babywearing Mama Profile – Amy
Each week I’ll be introducing you to a babywearing mama (or papa!) during A Little Bit of All of It’s Babywearing Series. Find out more about this mama at the end of the post. (You can be included in a future post by filling out the Babywearing Profile form.)

Photo Credit: Amy Rhime
When did you start wearing your baby/young child? I started babywearing on my son’s first day, trying my sling out for the first time when he was about ten hours old. The first carrier I tried was the Hotslings Adjustable Pouch. My partner Jaymz quickly mastered the woven Didymos wrap
in the first few days, so he preferred that one from the beginning.
What is your favorite carrier? It’s hard to pick a favorite—they’re all good for different purposes! I like my ring sling or pouch for quick trips, our stretchy wrap for a little baby, our BabyHawk mei tai for its versatility and compactness, and our Boba for wearing a toddler for longer stretches.
What is your favorite carry? I prefer back carries, as they’re easier on my body. With the Boba it’s incredibly comfortable to wear Daniel on my back for long stretches (like at the zoo or on the train). Our woven Didymos wrap is great for back carries, too, and I used to love doing the SHBC (secure high back carry) when Daniel was younger and preferred to be able to see over my shoulder when I was wearing him on my back.

(Photo Credit: Amy Rhime)
How many carriers do you own and what are they? We have a homemade stretchy wrap, a woven Didymos wrap, a custom Babyhawk mei tai with a pocket, a Second Womb ring sling, an Ergo, an organic Boba, and a Hotslings AP (Adjustable Pouch). I guess that makes seven! (Though I’m not sure I could ever have too many baby carriers. 😉
Do you have a favorite babywearing story/scenario? My in-laws came to visit us after Daniel was born (he was about eight weeks old), and we went out for a walk to the park and then for coffee and pastries together. At one point during our walk, Daniel woke up from napping on my chest in the mei tai and began to root around to nurse. I stopped to adjust the carrier off to one side and latch him on—sure that everyone in the group knew what was going on—and then (a little self-consciously) resumed walking with the group. A while later after he had finished nursing and I had readjusted my clothes and the mei tai, my mother-in-law made a comment about how Daniel must be getting hungry by now, asking if I needed to stop to sit down and nurse him. I laughed at myself in that moment for being at all self-conscious about nursing him in such a public situation, and explained to my mother-in-law that he had just finished his meal. She was super-impressed that I was able to comfortably nurse in a carrier—and while walking! I felt like a rock star babywearing momma that day.
What is your favorite thing about wearing your baby? I love being able to be close to my son and enjoy experiencing the sights and sounds of our environment together with him. I also really appreciate that when I’m wearing Daniel, there’s no bulky stroller to navigate and keep track of, which makes it so much easier to take him with us on public transit and to crowded places like farmer’s markets.

(Photo Credit: Amy Rhime)
Amy of Anktangle is a work from home Momma to one fabulous two-year-old son, Daniel. Amy writes about the things she holds close to her heart: family, delicious food, and many aspects of natural parenting. She is passionate about natural childbirth, breastfeeding, gentle, intuitive parenting, and respecting all people, no matter how small. You can also connect with Amy on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.