Babywearing Mama Profile – Kelly
Each week I’ll be introducing you to a babywearing mama (or papa!) during A Little Bit of All of It’s Babywearing Series. Find out more about this mama at the end of the post. (You can be included in a future post by filling out the Babywearing Profile form.)

When did you start wearing your baby/young child and what carrier was your first?
Newborn, Moby Wrap
What is your favorite carrier? Boba
What is your favorite carry? Front carry, baby facing in
How did you first learn about Babywearing and what were your initial impressions of it? I first saw babywearing in Mexico and I was in total awe and knew then I would want to carry my child that way.
How many carriers do you own and what are they? 3 – Moby, Peanut Shell, Boba, hiking back pack (similar to a MEC). I used to have a Snugli but ditched it. 🙂
Do you have a favorite babywearing story/scenario? Close to 10 years ago now I had the amazing experience of living in a tiny village near the top of a mountain in Oaxaca, Mexico, for a month.
It was both a beautiful and very hard place.
One of the memories that has always stuck with me from there was watching the way the mothers carried their babies. They basically used big white bedsheets to form a wrap to hold baby close to them. The rare times baby wasn’t in the wrap with mum, they were still in the bed sheet that was then tied to the roof rafters in a sort of hammock that mom could walk by and give a little push to on a regular basis for a swing effect.
I was in awe at how natural and cool this looked; at the time I wondered if would ever be able to do anything like that.
It was my first experience babywearing.
What is the strangest or funniest thing you’ve done whie wearing your baby? hmm… guess I’d have to go with using the washroom. My husband used to wear her while playing video games.
What is your favorite thing about wearing your baby? The closeness and bonding and the soothing effect for baby
Kelly is mom to toddler girl ‘Bean’ and blogs at Becoming Crunchy about her family’s changing landscape from mainstream to granola. She likes to talk about the challenges and rewards of making the world a safer, healthier place for her daughter, along with what she’s learning about natural parenting, pregnancy and birth, healthy eating, and more. Find her on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. (And you can learn even more about Kelly in the Reader Spotlight here on the blog.)