Babywearing Mama Profile – Isil
Each week I’ll be introducing you to a babywearing mama (or papa!) during A Little Bit of All of It’s Babywearing Series. Find out more about this mama at the end of the post. (You can be included in a future post by filling out the Babywearing Profile form.)
When did you start wearing your baby/young child and what carrier was your first? I started wearing my eldest since day one. My first carrier was a Tricotti.
What is your favorite carrier? Ergo
What is your favorite carry? Back carry for toddlers and front carry for younger babies
How did you first learn about Babywearing and what were your initial impressions of it? I learnt about it from the internet way before my first pregnancy. I thought it was lovely and I just had to do it!

How many carriers do you own and what are they? I had a Tricotti, a Hug-a-Bub, a Hotsling Adjustable Sling and an Ergo.
What is the strangest or funniest thing you’ve done while wearing your baby? I was babywearing when we visited Paris when my daughter was almost 2 years old. I was carrying her in the Ergo and she was very tired. I breastfed her in the sling on top of the Eiffel Tower!
What is your favorite thing about wearing your baby? I love the closeness.
Isil is a Turkish mother living in England. She has a 5 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. She is passionate about natural childbirth, breastfeeding, babywearing, gentle discipline, green living, organic and local foods, sustainable living and informed health care decisions. When not blogging or breastfeeding, she can be found playing with playdough, crafting with her daughter or eating chocolate. Isil blogs at Smiling like Sunshine.