Preparing for Birth: Birth Resources
Welcome to the ninth week in our 10 week series on Preparing for Birth! This week’s focus is on Birth Resources. I have a page dedicated to Childbirth Resources you can check out, as well as book reviews on some favorite childbirth books: Gentle Birth Choices and A Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth. I’ve also shared some podcasts I enjoyed listening to while pregnant.
This week I’ll also share what we’ve packed for Marcella to give her some fun things to enjoy during the birth.
As always, I have some resources from other bloggers below as well:
- Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children believes one of the greatest resources any of us can have for birth is the women who have come before us.
- Click Clack Gorilla knew she wanted to wear her baby as much as possible but it turned out that she had gotten a carrier that her baby couldn’t ride in until she was at least three months old. Desperate and tired of feeling trapped in their tiny home, she dove into the world of Boba Wraps and created this tutorial “for the awkward and desperate” to help others trying to figure out how to use this style of wrap carrier.
- Mommying My Way shares a collection of resources that helped prepare her for birth.
- Diary of a First Child has some resources for preparing an older sibling. Reading is a wonderful way to spend quality time preparing a sibling for a birth and a new baby. If your child will be attending the birth, visual preparation helps them cope on the day too. Here are some favorite birth videos, suitable for a two year old.
- Authentic Parenting shares information about the placenta in Much Ado about Placenta, Everything You Want to Know about Placenta Encapsulation and How to Grow an Eat-Worthy Placenta. In addition, you can read about a Leboyer Bath, a gentle way to ease baby into the world.
Be on the lookout later this week for a post from That Mama Gretchen on her blog as well!
Other topics in the Preparing for Birth Series:
Advice for the New Mom (July 2 – July 8 )
Want to participate? Learn more in my Call for Submissions post.