“God is Good”
This post is part of a series of posts in honor of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Today’s post comes from an anonymous writer.

I have three children here on earth that I take care of and three children up in Heaven praising God for all eternity. Each of my three miscarriages were very different: the way I found out, my emotional reactions, and my bodily reactions.
The third one is actually still a secret from many, even close family. It’s just too fresh and painful, and I’d rather not just be an open book this time like I have been with the other two miscarriages.
Through it all, I can say that God is good. God is good. God is good. Always. He is sovereign and has a plan. The nurses and doctors this last time tried to comfort me with saying it was just bad luck. That was not comforting. But, to know that an all-wise, all-knowing God is in control is comforting.
I don’t understand His plan, but I know He is good and that what He brings my way will work out together for good.