Arpita’s Story – “I’ll Hug You With My Heart”
This post is part of a series of posts in honor of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Today’s post comes from Arpita of Up, Down and Natural. You can learn more about Arpita at the end of this post.

I’ll Hug You With My Heart
Words can’t do justice to the joy I felt when I saw those two lines appear.
Our deepest wish was answered with your very first sign of life.
We allowed ourselves to dream, and be hopeful for the day we’d meet you here.
I was eager to watch you grow inside me.
I anxiously memorized each little twinge to know that you were real,
soon realizing the most amazing blessings can sometimes be the ones we never see.
There was a deep knowing we had a very important lesson to learn from you.
As I stroked my belly, I wondered what message you would bring.
I let myself imagine all the wonderful things you would do.
I had no idea, your purpose was so much larger than we could dream.
You allowed us to believe, you gave the gift of hope.
Your presence was too great for this world, it would seem.
I have but one selfish wish, it’s one I’ve had from the very start.
Dear baby, how I’ve wanted to hold you in my arms, and tell you that I love you.
That day will come I’m sure, but for now sweet baby, I’ll hug you with my heart.
Arpita blogs at Up, Down & Natural about her and her husband’s struggle with infertility as they enter their fourth year of trying to conceive their first. Arpita shares the journey into natural parenting, crafting, recipes, Give-Aways and the things they have learning along the way. Sometimes the world of trying to live greener, and switching to chemical free organics is enough to turn you upside down. However, when these changes are made for our children, and the earth we bring them into, it only seems natural. You can find Up, Down & Natural on Facebook, and Twitter.