The Honey-Faced Girl
My husband thinks I’m crazy (for many reasons), but the latest of the strange things I’ve done (in his eyes) is washing my face with honey. I ascribe full blame for this to Crunchy Betty.
Because I’m slowly moving toxins out of my home, this was definitely of interest to me. My plan has been to replace things as I use them up and my face wash is running pretty low so this challenge came at a good time for me.
I already had raw, local honey on hand so I didn’t even have to go out and buy anything. And it is insanely simple to do. Crunchy Betty made a fun little video you can check out but basically you take a tiny smidge (we’re talking a 1/2 teaspoon or so) and rub it on your face. Really. And it comes off surprisingly easily for all the stickiness you would expect.
I don’t know that I was really expecting anything transformational. I really was doing this to see if it would be a good alternative to my current face wash as something that was natural and non-toxic. But I have been surprised at how nice my skin looks and nice has not ever been a word I would use to describe my skin. As someone who has had breakouts since adolescence (and I’m 32 now), my skin isn’t something I have ever been happy about.
I saw that one of the other honey challenge participants had received the compliment that her skin was “glowy”. And I can totally see my own skin looking this way! And it feels SO soft. I have never struggled with dry skin so it wasn’t like it wasn’t soft, before but now it is super soft, as delightfully soft as my toddler daughter’s buttery skin.
I feel weird bragging about my skin, but in reality I’m bragging about the honey! Because it’s all about the honey! I have had one tiny breakout since I started this challenge and it was actually under my chin, which is an area that I wasn’t using the honey on. I could get use to acne-free skin. I mean, it’s about time!
Next I am looking forward to trying the make-up removing honey wash (a couple more natural ingredients are added to the regimen, all stuff you probably already have at home) and maybe even making some herb-infused honey!
Do you have a natural face washing routine? Would you ever consider using honey to wash your face or do you think I’m crazy like my husband does?