I’m Stylish! Who Knew?
Becoming Crunchy decided I was cool enough to receive the Stylish Blogger Award! I’ll have to add it to the collection. (Does 2 constitute a collection??) To accept, I must follow these rules. I think I can handle that!
- Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Award 10-15 blogs you feel deserve the award.
- Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award.
- Even though I’m the biggest wimp ever, I gave birth naturally and can’t wait to do it again! I actually look forward to another water birth one day.
- Overflowing toilets scare me…really.
- For some reason, every week when I meal plan I feel like I need to reinvent the wheel. I don’t just have a bunch of go-to meals we repeat each month. Every week the majority of our meals are new to us. I really need to not stress myself out so much by finding and coming up with new things each week but I can’t seem to help it!
- Related to #3, I have WAY too many cookbooks. It’s a problem. I LOVE them so much yet I don’t actually use them much. I mostly find recipes online. I did go through a little spell this summer where I relied mainly on my cookbooks but somewhere along the line I slipped back into my old ways. I love Zip List so I will blame them for now.
- My husband is an unexpected baker. We both were laid off last year so my husband tried his hand at baking and discovered a hidden talent. He now works full-time and does the baking thing on the side. His favorite cake to make was my daughter’s Candy Land birthday cake last year for her first birthday.
- I’m still nursing my 2 year old with no immediate plans to stop. Although this is not the norm in our culture, there are a ton of wonderful benefits for both of us and is recommended by health organizations as well.
- I love pugs….and cheese.
No for the REALLY hard part! I have to pick some other stylish bloggers to award this to. I already gave an award to several bloggers awhile back so I’ll keep those blogs off and pick new ones. (Check them out, too though!) And if you notice these blogs are not on my blogroll, well I’m working on updating that soon! It’s been awhile since I’ve updated and I’ve discovered some awesome bloggers since then! I also am leaving off blogs that have already received this award for obvious reasons.
I award the Stylish Blogger award to:
Confessions of a High-heel Wearing Hippie Mommy
The New Mommy Files: Memories, Milestones and Missteps
Check these blogs and Becoming Crunchy out! You won’t be disappointed!